The self-guided driving tour at Peck Ranch Conservation Area begins at the office and is marked along the way. Peck Ranch is located near Winona in Shannon County with entrances off both Route 19 and Route 60. It’s open sunrise to sunset seven days a week — except during calving season (April 1 to July 1), managed deer hunts, fall firearms deer season, and in the event roads are closed due to weather.
The self-guided driving tour at Current River Conservation Area runs from Highway 106 to South Road out of Ellington. The route includes roads 1, 10 and 9, passing the shooting range, the log cabin and the fire tower.
Aim for sunrise and sunset. Your best chances of seeing elk are the hours right after sunrise or right before sunset. We can’t guarantee an elk sighting, but the tour is a beautiful drive though fields, forests and glades, where you can also see deer and other wildlife. Feel free to take photographs and to get out of your vehicle for a better view — but please do not disturb the elk or other wildlife in any way.
For more information on elk or other area wildlife, visit our Twin Pines Conservation Education Center.
Note that the gravel roads on Peck Ranch may not be accessible to vehicles without adequate ground clearance, and some roads may also be impassible at times due to high water at stream crossings.
Peck Ranch driving tour closed: April 1–July 1 and Oct. 10-11, 24-26, Nov. 14-24 and Dec. 5-6, 2015 due to managed hunts.