The Visitors Center sits atop Kaysinger Bluff, providing a spectacular view of Truman Dam and Reservoir. Exhibits give information about the rich history of the Osage River Valley from pre-civilization to modern day. A social history time-line depicting the exploration and settlement of the Osage River Valley is displayed. Exhibits on the upper deck explain Truman Lake’s role in cultural history, wildlife, and environmental managements, the operation of the powerhouse, Corps of Engineers missions and construction of the Harry S. Truman Project. Waterfowl, bald eagles and turkey vultures can routinely be observed from the observation deck. Truman Lake brochures and other informational pamphlets are available. A quarter-mile nature trail and a three-quarter-mile walking trail are on-site. The Visitors Center is located two miles north of Warsaw, at the east end of Truman Dam.
Seasonal schedule and hours: